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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/21/2019 in all areas

  1. Point Based Forum What is the Point Based Forum!? Earn points for every type of interaction you do on our site! Each thing you do is specifically calculated and has a value! Here is a chart that breaks down how the calculations are made & how to earn points! We introduced this feature because we want our members to be involved in discussions and our website overall. To reward engagement and loyalty, we created this opportunity for our members to get our products by earning it. Over time as you accumulate points you can then redeem them via your profile. Each point you earn holds its own point value in our website. 1 Point = €0.01 Redeem: If you try to redeem your points go to your profile and click the [Redeem] button. You will have to wait till Prime or Silva approve the request. We will evaluate each redeemable claim made, and see if it is valid Credited € will be linked to your account & you can use this credit during checkout of purchases!
    30 points
  2. Really love this idea, helps people on a budget and makes the forums more active. You could really get a big discount maybe even more than 50%! Hope you see you guys around and post safely.
    19 points
  3. An interesting approach, Reminds me of the Art***cialA***ng way of doing it when some cheats that use that have to compete with "easy anti cheat". They went to a private 'invite only' model. They lost a lot of money, always had rude staff members moderating their forums. The only reason why the did well was his dad originally coded the first program he released back in the America's Army days. They had the right idea with invite only, a better idea? A reward system like you've implemented here. You respond back to people in quick time and that shows you really are passionate about what you do.. which to me is an awesome breath of fresh air. Other people wont even take the cheat down will just keep raking in money while you redevelop it. *Cough* China/Russian bots *Cough* Keep doing what you do guys. Regards, Vamp
    16 points
  4. Aimbot Aim Speed +/- FOV Smooth Prediction Player ESP Name Box 3D Skeleton Distance Health % Healthbar Shieldbar Weapons World ESP Items Items filter by: Type Level MISC Radar Supported Anti-Cheats EAC Press Numlock 0 Key to Show/Hide the Hack Menu!
    15 points
  5. Pretty good idea. Makes people at least chat a bit
    15 points
  6. wow this a verry nice idea
    15 points
  7. Aimbot Aim Speed +/- Prediction (Bullet drop) FOV Smooth No Recoil No Sway Bone Select Key Select Player/NPC ESP Name Weapon Box 3D/2D Skeleton Distance Healthbar Snapline World ESP Dropped Items Collectables Nodes (Stone,Metal,Sulfur) Crates/Barrels SupplyDrops Stash MISC Radar Crosshair Enemys around Supported Anti-Cheats EAC
    12 points
  8. This is an awesome and cool way to get people to be more active on the site and the best part is the free cheats :):)
    11 points
  9. Probably one of the coolest functions on any forum.
    10 points
  10. 9 points
  11. Hay, never saw that on any kinda websites very good idea and i think a lot of people will start to post more
    9 points
  12. As many of you know we have an awesome Discord! We use our discord as our main source of communication + getting to know you guys! One of the biggest things we like to do is host DAILY GIVEAWAYS! Free Keys, Discounts on packages, & much more! We want all of you who aren't that involved in Discord to please be more involved and interact with our community! News & Announcement updates are also posted there. If you are new and reading this, don't be shy to join and say hi! Lots of fun stuff will be posted on Discord as well, so definitely join!
    6 points
  13. This idea is completely genius. I have never seen any other forum have the same system. Great incentive to be active on the forums.
    6 points
  14. You clicked on this page because you want to know about us.. For those of you who don't know we are Dr-Cheats! We been around since 2015. We are a professional group of people who have a passion for modding games and enjoying it with our community. We just revamped our entire business model, this included having a brand new website which is what you are looking at right now , a brand new Hack for the hottest game currenly ( Apex Legends ). We are looking to expand our community have have a great group of people around us! We take all feedback from our community into consideration. We are very involved with our members, and want to deliver a personal relationship with them. Dr-Cheats is owned by 2 people who have a passion for hacking (Myself, and Silva). Our goal is to let our hard-work and dedication to our community pay itself off. We as the Owners work around the clock to provide a seamless experience with the hacks. Our support team is also very good and we fully are invested into customer service as well. Customer service to us is really important because in most hacking groups out there these days, our users have told us they are neglected by staff members in the discords they joined for hacked games. We try to build a close relationship with all of our users and help them in anyway we can. Pricing is a huge topic and is on everyone's minds... you may be wondering "is Dr-Cheats expensive!!?" "Are they legit!!?" "Are they scammers"? "Are they for real!!?" The answer is No, Yes, Hell No, Hell Yes! We are Foshizzle Legit! No we are not scammers, and we are absolutely real! Our prices compared to our competitors out there are really fair. We try to not to focus too much on the $$$, because hacking groups that only focus on profits don't care for much else. We have done a lot of studies about local pricing on related games, the countries and currency ratios. We hear the people because their voices are heard here. Like we stated earlier we want to create a fantastic community here at Dr-Cheats. We want you to be involved with us every step of the way, and go on this journey to conquer the PC Hacking World together! If you aren't too sure about us, please read through our forums and check out our Testimonials, our videos, etc. Dr-Cheats is all about creating the best PC Hacking community! - Prime & Silva
    5 points
  15. Hey everyone! If you purchased the Apex Legends Hack from us and love the way it's worked out for you please share here in this Testimonial Thread about your experience!
    4 points
  16. This is by far the Best Company I have dealt with . . I have dealt with many but just to many headaches due to extreme excessive down times, verifications, support etc. How I found Dr. Cheats was I was in a Discord chat and heard a ton of people asking what was going on with their stuff and were getting now answers until this one guy said screw it I went to Dr. Cheats and got a cheat for the time being and well I went over to Dr. Cheats to check it out, I am one of those peeps who read reviews and stuff. So I got my first cheat from them and love it . . .The support is crazy good and any question no mater what it is they answer for me regardless of how busy they are. They have even helped me through team view to get a lot of stuff set up for me that I was having problems with. They even helped me set up my spoofer, vpn, and quick fix on my controller settings. I have tried them all trust me. . this is by far the best company. TK
    4 points
  17. This idea is great
    4 points
  18. 4 points
  19. 4 points
  20. An in-depth honest review from someone who had previously never used an aimbot for Apex Legends, let alone even played a single game of Apex Legends. Research I dug around quite a bit before I landed here, searching through Google and my home OwnedCore for several days before making a choice. When you're new to a game and the community around it, with no experience with which to judge what is good or not, I rely heavily on my initial contacts with those that represent the brand so to speak. These interactions help me judge what i can expect in a product from initial questions, vetting (determining if you are right for them), sales, installation, troubleshooting, tweaking, end support, and resale. Contact Initially when I reached out, I did so with no luck to DrSilva via discord. And it wasn't until a day later that I tried the second contact, Prime. Whatever shortfall I may have felt in missing an opportunity to speak with DrSilva, Prime more than made up for in what was a straightforward, painless, honest conversation. At no point did I feel rushed, my questions were answered thoroughly where they could, and I felt a sense of pride and professionalism in what he stood behind. I was also impressed with how he had questions of his own in vetting my own background. I like the idea of exclusivity but more importantly there is a degree of security with this as well. Sales and Support There was no hesitation or insecurity felt making payment as I was confident this wasn't a scam, I was in good hands, and the end result would be nothing short of satisfaction. After some confusion on my part in registration, guidance through payment, registration, setup, and installation was a breeze. I did struggle with some special case technical issues that I tried at first to resolve on my own, created in part from using "advantageous" programming in other games. After a while I did reach back out to Prime who without a second thought dove right in to assist. Within minutes I was Live and Online with Dr-Cheats. The Cheat The in-game layout pops up and greets you once you initially login to the game. The layout is straightforward and the options pretty self explanatory. There was no question of what function served what purpose. The heads up display for ESP in regards to enemies, weapons, items, etc is very clean and at first glance can feel a little cluttered until you learn what is what. You get used to it, quickly. Launching into a game and upon landing I can quick scan around to know where to arm myself and avoid harm until I'm ready for a fight. Filters allow you to really fine tune what you are looking for in tiers as you advance your defensive and offensive setup for late game goodie grabs. I played with the default settings when you click Enable All and things felt a little snappy at times when you had plenty of action in your scope. I'm not really concerned with subtlety at the moment and am just looking for some fun as I learn the game. While a bit twitchy at default speed with several enemies in your field of view and line of sight checks, it was effective. I crushed most I came upon in surprise quickly and then gunned down their squad mates with relative ease. With adjustments to your FoV, enabling Smoothing, and tuning down your Aim Speed, you can look very natural should you desire. The aimbot performs well in close range and medium range. I know from other games it can be a tough gig dialing in an aimbot for long distance shots with physics and weapon variances applied, so it does struggle at long range to be really effective unless the enemy is sitting still. It can feel like luck when I do land a shot from long range on a moving target with the aimbot. I feel this could be improved upon based only on my experience with other similar games and hacks. The 2D Radar is a great help to gauge contact distance and asses your positioning in relation to other squads around you. The Experience My first couple games I finished in the top 3 squads; by game 3, I had a solid victory, saved my teammates, and won the day a hero. I am quite satisfied as a customer and intend to continue my subscription for the foreseeable future. I've had a great time thus far with it and have no doubt I will continue to do so. I did suffer some stability issues that would result in the game to crash at the conclusion of every, or every other match. Prime offered some advice to alleviate this issue that I didn't yet try, as the issue seemed to clear up on it's own and I played 4 games with no crash at all. So I'll continue to try a few things with his advice to see if this helps. Suggestions **Something that would be nice is the ability to auto-fire at a target when the aim-key is depressed and any bone is in Line of Sight (should you choose to use another key other than the default). Great for those peakers and duckers. **Unsure but I question if the ability to auto-tag enemy targets that your crosshair nears that pass a visibility check to alert fellow squad mates of enemy movement would be of benefit. Yes, you can do this on your own but I like to keep the finger on the trigger so to speak and save me a bunch of extra clicking. Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy review and I hope it helps you make an informed decision in regards to where you subscribe for your fun.
    4 points
  21. Aimbot Aim Speed +/- FOV Smooth Prediction No Recoil Player ESP Name Box 3D/2D/Coner Skeleton Barrel ESP Distance Snapline MISC Radar Crosshair Enemy around Supported Anti-Cheats Battle.net Video showcase
    3 points
  22. It may even help with crashing issues. Open Origin Right click onto Apex Legends (In your game library) Select Game Properties Click on Advanced launch options In the "Command line arguments" add -> +fps_max unlimited Start the game
    3 points
  23. Hello all, My name is Cuauhtémoc, I'm from Mexico I have used cheats for a long time, and I would like to be part of this community
    3 points
  24. 25/03/20 New Menu Radar made by our coder @666Slk Added Radar Better aimbot Bug Fix
    3 points
  25. When I first found this hack I was a little skeptical of course. It is hard to trust a website that you're unfamiliar with even if they have testimonies. After talking to Prime however, my skepticism was completely waved, as he is a very genuine guy who tells you exactly how it is. I paid him in advance for a spot when the Apex Hack was back online. It was under maintenance for quite some time, but recently came back up. Let me tell you, it was 110% worth the wait. It works absolutely flawlessly. The set up is very simple and easy to follow, and the providers won't leave you stranded if you have trouble. They are super nice and responsive whenever you hit them up. They will ensure your problem is solved, if you have one, but I personally was able to set it up myself without any issues. Periodically after playing a game or two it may log me out to the main menu, but the fix is extremely easy. All it takes is verifying your game files for a minute or two and you're right back on track. Prime responded instantly to my inquiry about how to fix the issue and it immediately solved my problem. Love this hack and wouldn't go anywhere else for one.
    3 points
  26. Really nice idea for help us to re buy a powerful hacks with a little sale
    3 points
  27. Cette idée est bonne pour faire plus de gens parler dans le forum
    3 points
  28. Hello Daze. Nice to see you in a Support Role and overall wishing you good luck
    3 points
  29. rly nice that there is a spoofer and is the best
    3 points
  30. https://quzshop.com/ - Best Accounts Provider The place you can go to and feel at home! The legend himself QuzFlips sells his own beautifully designed cheats and scripts for a range of games and even sells you accounts which he so generously replaces if there is ever a problem. This magical wonderland will always bring you great joy because there is no place like QuzShop
    2 points
  31. my name is gacor i am 20 yrs of age been using private and custom cheats for games: csgo, apex, overwatch, destiny2, WOW, COD:MW i am a full time student at a university. i fuck with cheats i just like the feeling of the easy way and how fun it can be sometimes but no abusing i dont hack on main accounts only alts just for fun
    2 points
  32. So this is my review for about 50hours of using the cheat, without being banned. I really appreciate the cheat, you can turn on and off the features without having the menu open, which is very useful if you have some spectators on your pov. Furthermore, the cheat is very simple to use if you follow the steps given by Prime. The support/staff is incredible, Prime is very helpful and always tries his best if you are having issues to help ya out. The coding is insane and I was experiencing some crashes at the beginning, all you have to do is turning off the aimbot and esp before leaving a match, and once you are in the next one, turn em back on. SInce then I've had very few crashes. So overall my experience with dr.cheats so far is incredible and if you are still struggling about putting that much money in a cheat, don't!! It's definetly worth it. Have a nice day dr.cheats community and ty for reading
    2 points
  33. So I've been using Dr-cheats for around a week and a half without any bans, I was skeptical at first about buying as i know 90% of cheats are copy and paste sources with the odd thing edited, Well after using each feature working out what does what playing full rage some games im fully convinced this is a mod made from the ground up to be truely undetected and unique. Aimbot i rate this 8/10 Reason being is I've noticed if playing around a 70 FOV and aim speed to be anything lower that 1.20 using no recoil will make the aimbot jittery sometimes and noticable to spectators, apart from that it's fie a solid 8/10. ESP 9/10 The ESP is amazing especially item ESP i understand the pill spawns are random so i dont expect it to tell me the contents of the supply creates, only thing that could do with a revamp IMO is the players heath stats, mainly because i feel the bag bars under the players as well as using distance and box esp can be a real ball ache when trying to track players.
    2 points
  34. I just want to say the dr cheats apex spoofer is top notch ive tried other spoofers and they all failed im hwid banned from apex and i couldn't play for more then an hour or i couldn't hit past rank ten i used dr cheats spoofer and im rank 30 plus and still going its an amazing product and ti works no lie it really works !
    2 points
  35. Review concerning the Apex Legends spoofer The Apex spoofer is really well explained. There is no problem with it. The support is amazing and reactive. I appreciate what they are doing. Also the payment was quick, just after the payment sent (BTC), he guided me through the process on how to get it installed. Few hours later, I asked a question about something dumb. They replied really gently, no toxicity. The customer support is perfect right after the purchase. What are you waiting for ? Buy it
    2 points
  36. K#smert Rust. Cost 180€ for one month. No spoofer, barely any features. Buggy as all hell. To top it off? It was constantly detected, and I had to buy upwards of nine accounts. It's the program that got me HWID banned from Rust and even Fortnite, despite never having used it on Fortnite. There was also the dev, Kradau, who laughed whenever it got detected. Despite us being the ones that lost money regularly buying accounts because he swore it was "safe," but then it'd get detected again within a day. It's why I'll never buy anything from that guy again. He was high on his own supply because his "apex cheat was undetected for months, so clearly you're getting banned for raging." Yeah, he actually said that to me when I told him I got banned and that his program was detected. Though luckily he's vain as all hell because putting a negative on his Epvp account was enough to get him to refund me to remove it. Though I'm happy that Dr-cheats has been a pleasant experience.
    2 points
  37. Hey there, I'm Daze. I'm most active in the League scripting scene, but I am getting into FPS cheating more and more . I've starting cheating in Minecraft and CS a loooooong time ago. But I must admit, it was quite fun developing own modules and bypasses. Then, after a few years, I switched to League / FPS Games, where I am still active to this day. "Why do you Cheat?" is the question I get asked most and its quite simple to answer. I love playing games, but most games have a "point" or "end", at which I start enjoying it less or even quit the game. If I get to this point I simply start cheating in it as, for me, cheating in games, opens a new way to enjoy the game. I also play a lot of games without cheats, such as Destiny 2 and Rainbow Six Siege. I'm also in love with single player games like the entire Bioshock series, Nier Automata and Observer, so if you got any similar games, feel free to recommend them to me! Currently I've the luck to support you, and every other DrCheats user. So in case you run into any problems with any of the products just message me!
    2 points
  38. Well to start out. My name is Epic_Fire(aka Matt). I'm 23 years old. I'm an affiliate for Dr. Which means I make videos and promote the Mod on YouTube to bring more people in. And I'm also on the support team. Outside of doing that I play Rainbow Six Siege a lot and enjoy doing a lot of things. Don't be afraid to make suggestions or bring up new ideas. They are always very much welcome.
    2 points
  39. 5/5 Hello friends, A little about my experience and my background. My journey to find a working Apex cheat began at a different forum. I was a loyal patron of the Website Artificial Aiming. Framework developed by Helios. For years I've had little issues over there, cheat kept me unbanned and did a great job. I wanted to try apex and so I went to my trusty site and saw they had a cheat for my needs then I read further they would be going to invite only. You had to be a contributor on the forum and be active... Which is a failed business model. I was there for the cheat and to enjoy my game, he was a vendor that had a solid product and consistently came to him since 2002. However, chatting with the moderators.. I realised what everyone said about them was true.. entitled assholes. Honestly the worst customer service I've ever seen in all my years. Instead of gaining my 100$ I decided to find another company that produced a good product and had good customer service. Upon reading in Elite Pvpers of verified places I found my self here. When I got here I purchased the cheat as I was impressed by the media display of the bounding box radar and aimbot seemed to be okay (aimbot seemed a bit slow) but good enough for my needs. Upon using it for a few hours I was banned. Turns out the right-click feature they added was getting detected. Hey.. shit happens but instead of keeping the bot up.. it went into development they took the buy button down and was understanding enough to provide time to compensate people.. Honestly this was it for me the deciding factor for me to stick around. The way I saw it was they cared enough about the program and the people who buy it.. that they removed it and looked after people. They later released a Lite version of the program with an ESP only feature in the interim until they could offer a tested Aimbot. They then offered a participation feature on the website and I've been more active.. So there you have it, two methods to gain user engagement.. build a community and offer electronic goods for a fair price. One was run by a absolute Knobs and cost him 100 bucks that month the other ran by passionate coders who are a lot like you.. I know who I'm sticking with.. My rating for this cheat is 5/5, I would recommend this to a friend looking for Apex Utilities. regards, Vamp
    2 points
  40. Product is amazing when its working and undetected ^^ , but when its down and detected it can be devastating . Aimbot: ill give it a 10, guaranteed champion every game!! Esp: Ill give it a 10 for the glow is amazing hands down Security: ill give it a 7, because sometimes you will get unlucky and get banned. Spoofer: its works like a charm for apex, but other games its 50/50 For the price u cant beat any other provider, i def vouch
    2 points
  41. This is some yelp level review shit here. Thank you for your comments. We really appreciate it!
    2 points
  42. Yes it is, except the Glow feature. Glow is not streamable
    2 points
  43. I want to see how you guys feel about the apex hack and what you want to see improved (im not a delevoper of the cheat) Also what your setting are for the cheat. I would love to see what you guys have to say, I personally love the cheat but id love to be able to change the esp color im color blind but it doesn't bother me much besides some of the items are the same color for me or there so light i cant see them. But enough about me tell me what you guys think of Dr cheats and what you think they should improve. Bakenake:)
    2 points