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Mxrphy7 last won the day on March 8 2020

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About Mxrphy7


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    United Kingdom, Newcastle Upon Tyne


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    Gaming, Programming, Reading


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    Student at a University AND part time worker

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  1. these links will take your to my screenshot of legit config i used and how i avoid ban waves make sure you don't lock onto enemies through walls.
  2. Hi well most cheats are not compatible with a virtual machine since the cheats use HWID locking to stop people giving hacks away this would just make the cheat detected it pretty simple, Virtual machines have a completely different HWID. Regards Mxrphy
  3. Not really it depends on often you use it you see i switch from aiming with aimbot to blind firing to switch things up but if you want a really low risk of getting banned don't use no recoil
  4. These settings will make the aimbot stronger when aiming since the fov is smaller less chance running into the random locking bug. Regards Mxrphy
  5. Apex Legends hack Review ESP = The esp is great has most needed features that allow to see all the loot in the game with distance customizable slider, The player esp is great it's simple but effective I like the red dot that tells you that you are locked on your target with aimbot, Color grading esp loot is also useful as well. Score 9/10 Aimbot = The aimbot is buggy at times but I found a way to get around it by changing my configuration like having a smaller fov, the options are simple on the aimbot but it works well especially with no recoil however there is no way to change the keybind for the aimbot that would be great if they added that in, also the smoothing option is a great addition makes your aim look more legit. Score 7/10 OVERALL SCORE 7.5/10 THINGS THAT COULD BE ADDED KEYBINDING OPTIONS NO LOCK UNTILL VISABLE BULLET PREDICTION I hope this review is helpful to people who want to make a purchase. Regards Mxrphy
  6. contact him on discord he will reply eventually
  7. Oyun kesmek 100'den fazla kişi ile çalışıyor Şu anda yapmanız gereken tek şey bir abonelik satın almak ve kesmek kurmak için bir video eğitimi takip etmektir. Saygılarımızla Mxrphy
  8. @xBalonG @Abojamra @IntotheUnknown96 this issue should be fixed now if not contact @drsilva to reset your hwid tied to the account. Regards Mxrphy
  9. Mxrphy7


    Hey, The order of projects is on the store once they release the rust hack they will then work on the rainbow six siege hack this is because hack that are made for battle-eye are quite hard to work around trust me from experience a spoofer would also be needed for that cheat. Regards Mxrphy
  10. Spot on cheers thanks for the help. Regards Mxrphy
  11. Thanks for the reply that clears things up, and the suggested spoofer is black sector is there any other ones or is that the best in your opinion. Regards Mxrphy
  12. Hi Dr-Cheats team I was wondering is a spoofer still in the cheat because from the looks of it was a separate program so I was wondering if you complied the code into the cheat so the spoofer is integrated is this the case? Regards Mxrphy @drsilva @Prime @Galaxy
  13. Hi, there just to let you know the server is down and most likely been worked on it should be up soon. Regards Mxrphy
  14. ah, that's not too bad glad it's working for you man. Regards Mxrphy
  15. yea that's a bug they need to fix and good to hear. Regards Mxrphy