
Retired Staff
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Everything posted by RobertDS

  1. Long time no see. Who remembers good old Nyuu
  2. As many people have begun to ask, Yes. Apex is getting a new update, and is going to be live in our store agian. We have had over 50-100 tickets within 2 weeks asking. As of now, theres not ETA for when Apex will be live. If you are not in the discord, then ill advise that you should join, @drsilva does updates in the channel, so you always can follow on the latest news. - Nyuu
  3. Hello Daniel Welcome onboard.
  4. RobertDS

    dayz hack

    Create a ticket
  5. Yes
  6. - Anyone speak chinese?
  7. RobertDS


    Wait? We selling cheats? thought this was a burger chain??
  8. Lmao, that's so long ago, remember playing with subs, good times. Miss hearing Menlazar scream because he never had played the game before.
  9. If you ever need any "tips" - I could be of service, ive coded for the past 4 year, in cyber protection, ddos protection and stuff like that. I dont code cheats, (yet), but have worked on projects such as Csgo and minecraft. So if you ever need any help to understand codes and stuff, then send me a message. If you ever have a problem with a code, such things like that. Im on my last year before i get a degree, so i have time to help.
  10. No ETA. But to be sure, ill reach out to the staff team, and ask around.
  11. I like turtles
  12. Agree:=)
  13. Great to hear - Atm are we working on new things to add, idea noted - Staff
  14. Skizzy have some of the things right, yes we are testing and rebuilding the Apex & EFT cheat - Atm there is no ETA for when we restock - We do a limited about of stock each month, but we sometimes add during the weeks if the demand is high.
  15. We are working on a Apex update atm - No ETA for when its live agian, we will restock soon within 1-2 weeks. - Nyuu Staff-Team
  16. RobertDS

    HI guys

    Hello Sunshine Welcome onboard, hope to see more of you around here - Nyuu
  17. Hello Mojo, as of the moment we dont invite people to the Rust-Cheat anymore. Its going to be super limited. The cheat will be going live soon to the people so thats why we dont accept people to test it. -Nyuu-Staff
  18. RobertDS

    EFT keys

    There could be multipel reasons, its takes alot of new codes to add such options etc. Which just makes the cheat easier to detect. - Your idea have been noted and ill take it up next team talk - Nyuu - Staff
  19. If your account gets banned then no, it cant get unbannned, that´s why we recommend you use an alt. You are still able to make new accounts And start on a fresh
  20. Welcome Hope to see more of you
  21. Sounds like a good idea
  22. 100% UPVOTE Already talked with Silva about it Would be super op and fun to have
  23. If you ever want to play any games with add my discord

    - EU

    - Must have mic

    - Nyuu#6798