Reg: Apex Cheats

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Hi Guys,


Do you still provide Apex cheats ? And i wanted to know the following answers as well 


1. IF i purchase the cheat, will the subscription automatically gets added ?

2, Do we have a discord server ?

3. When was the last time Apex was detected ? Please do not think that i am being cocky, its just to know if i can play with my mains

4. If i need support how should i contact?


Hey bud. Apex is under maintenance.

but ill still answer your questions.

1.  you will have instant accesses to the cheat.

2. we had one but it got ToS, we will make a new one after we finish recoding warzone.

3. this I can not answer due to it being under maintenance.

4. you can make a support ticket on the website or on the discord (that will come out)

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