Apex Testimonial


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Aimbot 7/10

The aimbot is super nice it traces head without a problem
Has Custom FOV/Snap Speed/Knockdown/Smoothness(Not slide bar only checkbox)

Why I Gave It That Score

Could use more options and fix some stuff
First off visible check doesn't work still aims through walls
Smoothness is only a check box not a slider
Only traces head so this is a rage cheat not legitness for streamers to hide
would love to see more features added in the future

ESP 8/10

The Esp is nice i do love the 3D boxes and health/armor display
It will display the percent of armor they have/health they have
Also has name esp/distance/draw lines

Item ESP 9/10

The item esp is super clean and minimal does not get in your way or clutter your screen
like most cheats I've used. 

Why I Gave It That Score

Nothing wrong with the esp but would love to see
Chams/Glow esp instead of box
Also Glow would change colors from like yellow to red when visible and not behind a wall.

Loader/Spoofer 8/10

Nothing to fancy about the loader/spoofer they work as intended
Super easy to setup if its your first time.

Why I Gave It The Score

Could be improved to more clean looking loader instead of a CMD Prompt


Overall Conclusion

I Think Dr-Cheats is a great site to start cheating on apex. They got the best prices i have seen and that includes a spoofer which no other providers do.
I can see them growing as a whole if they plan on updating more features to the cheat and or adding more cheats which they said there adding rust to there store :P.
To be honest this is gonna be my new home for cheating for awhile i hope to see them grow and release some awesome features.
Thanks for reading i hope i covered everything i needed.

  • Thanks 2

@scxryui Thank you for your review :). We always intend to add more features and we are working on new UI for the loader, and other stuff as well! We are glad you want us to be your home we hope you stay and be with us on this journey!

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