Welcome R!
Most of is dont like school but depends on the subject maybe.
we only have the MW/WZ hack atm, but we plan on working on more games/updating current ones we have.
Welcome aboard Sentak!
atm we only have MW operating but we only have Silva(the owner) as a dev so we can’t push out products fast, but we’re working on Cod: Vanguard atm. Hope you try out our MW hack
Hey bud, you can get your role and join our discord server here: https://dr-cheats.com/discord-setup/
And you can reset you hwid here:https://www.dr-cheats.com/api/api_public_panel/clientlogin.php. (Use your forum username and password to login)
Hey Blueye!
Sadly there isnt a real way to get un ShadowBanned/banned without a spoofer/cleaner.
But if you're shadowbanned you can wait from 7-14 days for it to be removed.
But if you're perma-ban then im sorry to say this but you are screwed without a spoofer.
Hey there!
Sorry for a very late reply, but you can always dm me on discord (on my profile on the forums) if you have any issue.
Hope you have anything under control.
If youre still having issue open a ticket on our discord server.