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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2020 in all areas

  1. Aimbot Aim Speed +/- Prediction (Bullet drop) FOV Smooth No Recoil No Sway Bone Select Key Select Player/NPC ESP Name Weapon Box 3D/2D Skeleton Distance Healthbar Snapline World ESP Dropped Items Collectables Nodes (Stone,Metal,Sulfur) Crates/Barrels SupplyDrops Stash MISC Radar Crosshair Enemys around Supported Anti-Cheats EAC
    1 point
  2. Added Snaplines Added Aim Predict Cross (shows cross where you should aim to hit the player) Added Player Info (show stats about the player items on the belt, distance, health, name, etc) Added BoxStyles -3D Box, -2D Box, -ConnerBox, -FilledBox
    1 point
  3. Added Prediction on Transports (Heli, Boat Horse) Now only hidden stash will show on the ESP Fixed Crash on aim *Found bug on ESP and Aim when the player is on monument
    1 point
  4. Added new Tab "Misc" Added Warning System, Bear and Player
    1 point
  5. Added Cards (Green Blue Red) Added Bulletdrop compensation
    1 point
  6. Added Deployed items (cupboard,traps) Added Animals Fixed Prediction
    1 point
  7. 06/04/2020 Framework Updated the menu Framework* Aimbot Added ComboBox for Select the bone Added ComboBox for Aimkey Bugs Fixed a crash joining the game
    1 point