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  1. Yeah i tried lowering the speed etc i tried it on every number. But it just moves off the target
  2. Tried to send a support ticket but got.an error Esp for items doesnt work. No recoil isnt working Aimbot will NOT lock on to anyone. When you try it like throw the aim away from the person youre shooting at. Distance is also way off Any help would be great
  3. I got the menu to open in the lobby. However it freezes at airplane drop. I just read a post that said to disable the esp until in game, which im about to try now. However, How do i use the aimbot? What key is it set on? Can I not set my aimbot key to the key i want to use? Any help would be great thanks alot
  4. Juscaus


    It made my game froze at loding screen to game. I also got a 1 day to test it out before me and my clan all buy a month.
  5. Does this aimbot work very well? And does the esp have ammo, armor , loot etc esp?