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Everything posted by DrunkPerson

  1. Welcome, looking forward to cheating with you, or you cheating for me.
  2. I love watching cheaters, can I watch you?
  3. https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/apex-legends/348765-custom-crosshair-game.html - crosshair change
  4. Update: rumors wraith glitched might be patched in the next update.
  5. I'm aware, I've checked every bit of the website already, just not posting much because I don't want too spam the forums and have discussions with myself, thank you for the welcome though!
  6. Runescape bots back in the day for like 20/script depending on how good it was
  7. Because I've tried for years to train my muscle memory and aim but it just doesn't stick, and I want to be able to play with my friends on higher ranks. (They don't mind if I do as long as I don't over do it to make the game un-fun.)
  8. DrunkPerson

    Earn Free Hacks

  9. Out of bounds glitch - allows you to stay out of bounds and not die (working) https://youtu.be/pRaY9EjMDAk Wraith Phase glitch (working) - I do not take credit for these as I found out from another person but wanted to share. TIPS - https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/apex-legends/321274-apex-legends-grass-terrain-texture-semi-chams.html (Not really any type of chams) - can help with your FPS If links to other websites are not allowed, please feel free to remove it or contact me and I'll do so.
  10. Hello, Dr Cheaters. I am a 26 year old video game lover from Wisconsin, I enjoy watching anime and have an obsession with talking to friends and never shut up. I LOVE TO DRINK and sometimes cook, I play tons of OSRS, Apex Legends, CSGO and some Overwatch. I have never cheated on Apex, but I do plan to eventually when I can afford it. (Will not ask for donations nor a free trial, that's disrespectful.)