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MrTesto93 last won the day on June 7 2019

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About MrTesto93


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    High Technical School

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  1. bump still selling!
  2. Hay guys, I am selling Amazon Giftcards for US [$] I can sell from 25$ up to 100$ Current rate is right now 80%. EXAMPLE: You buy a 100$ giftcard with BTC, you will pay only 80$ You buy a 100$ giftcard with PayPal, you will pay only 85$ PAYING: BTC rate 80% PayPal rate 85% Discord Server to contact me or my partner: HIT ME FOR DISCORD
  3. Right now in stock 112$ cc for 85$ paypal or 80$ in btc. You can buy evrything u want with it. Discord: Sascha Putin #2984
  4. i think you know now how it works xD. I hope you enjoy the cheat
  5. hay man i see you enjoy your stay here :D, right now its 10 pm and i am bored haha
  6. I really like the feeling when an enemy cant do anything and lose because i cheat xD
  7. Hello, i also games like rust. Sometimes i also like to rage in some games just for fun but so many accounts got banned haha, i wish you a good stay here
  8. Hay, you allways better with cheats and that the point. I wish you a good time here and maybe you meet some nice people here. Cheating together is even more fun.
  9. Hay I am in school soon but it's Friday so I am happy hehe. I wish you a good time here. And pls don't shoot to many bloods here.
  10. Hello, nice to see a person here that can speak german too, i wish you a good stay here and have good time
  11. Hello, yeah I can definitely understand you that you don't want to share personal stuff. Didn't expect that someone is still playing after 20 year's. In what games do you also cheat in?
  12. Hay, i wish you sucsess with your work, sometimes we have to focus on stuff to go trough life but at the end it will worth it. I also have sometimes no time for that what i want to do. But after my learing sessions i finnaly have some more time and i can start cheating again until school will FUCK me again.