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Renquistion last won the day on April 6 2019

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  1. An in-depth honest review from someone who had previously never used an aimbot for Apex Legends, let alone even played a single game of Apex Legends. Research I dug around quite a bit before I landed here, searching through Google and my home OwnedCore for several days before making a choice. When you're new to a game and the community around it, with no experience with which to judge what is good or not, I rely heavily on my initial contacts with those that represent the brand so to speak. These interactions help me judge what i can expect in a product from initial questions, vetting (determining if you are right for them), sales, installation, troubleshooting, tweaking, end support, and resale. Contact Initially when I reached out, I did so with no luck to DrSilva via discord. And it wasn't until a day later that I tried the second contact, Prime. Whatever shortfall I may have felt in missing an opportunity to speak with DrSilva, Prime more than made up for in what was a straightforward, painless, honest conversation. At no point did I feel rushed, my questions were answered thoroughly where they could, and I felt a sense of pride and professionalism in what he stood behind. I was also impressed with how he had questions of his own in vetting my own background. I like the idea of exclusivity but more importantly there is a degree of security with this as well. Sales and Support There was no hesitation or insecurity felt making payment as I was confident this wasn't a scam, I was in good hands, and the end result would be nothing short of satisfaction. After some confusion on my part in registration, guidance through payment, registration, setup, and installation was a breeze. I did struggle with some special case technical issues that I tried at first to resolve on my own, created in part from using "advantageous" programming in other games. After a while I did reach back out to Prime who without a second thought dove right in to assist. Within minutes I was Live and Online with Dr-Cheats. The Cheat The in-game layout pops up and greets you once you initially login to the game. The layout is straightforward and the options pretty self explanatory. There was no question of what function served what purpose. The heads up display for ESP in regards to enemies, weapons, items, etc is very clean and at first glance can feel a little cluttered until you learn what is what. You get used to it, quickly. Launching into a game and upon landing I can quick scan around to know where to arm myself and avoid harm until I'm ready for a fight. Filters allow you to really fine tune what you are looking for in tiers as you advance your defensive and offensive setup for late game goodie grabs. I played with the default settings when you click Enable All and things felt a little snappy at times when you had plenty of action in your scope. I'm not really concerned with subtlety at the moment and am just looking for some fun as I learn the game. While a bit twitchy at default speed with several enemies in your field of view and line of sight checks, it was effective. I crushed most I came upon in surprise quickly and then gunned down their squad mates with relative ease. With adjustments to your FoV, enabling Smoothing, and tuning down your Aim Speed, you can look very natural should you desire. The aimbot performs well in close range and medium range. I know from other games it can be a tough gig dialing in an aimbot for long distance shots with physics and weapon variances applied, so it does struggle at long range to be really effective unless the enemy is sitting still. It can feel like luck when I do land a shot from long range on a moving target with the aimbot. I feel this could be improved upon based only on my experience with other similar games and hacks. The 2D Radar is a great help to gauge contact distance and asses your positioning in relation to other squads around you. The Experience My first couple games I finished in the top 3 squads; by game 3, I had a solid victory, saved my teammates, and won the day a hero. I am quite satisfied as a customer and intend to continue my subscription for the foreseeable future. I've had a great time thus far with it and have no doubt I will continue to do so. I did suffer some stability issues that would result in the game to crash at the conclusion of every, or every other match. Prime offered some advice to alleviate this issue that I didn't yet try, as the issue seemed to clear up on it's own and I played 4 games with no crash at all. So I'll continue to try a few things with his advice to see if this helps. Suggestions **Something that would be nice is the ability to auto-fire at a target when the aim-key is depressed and any bone is in Line of Sight (should you choose to use another key other than the default). Great for those peakers and duckers. **Unsure but I question if the ability to auto-tag enemy targets that your crosshair nears that pass a visibility check to alert fellow squad mates of enemy movement would be of benefit. Yes, you can do this on your own but I like to keep the finger on the trigger so to speak and save me a bunch of extra clicking. Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy review and I hope it helps you make an informed decision in regards to where you subscribe for your fun.