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Everything posted by deflated

  1. Your reasoning for cheating seems pretty extreme, most people do it to mess with others or to have an advantage, never heard someone cheating because of a condition they had. Either way you are welcomed here! This will definitely help you out!
  2. Cheats in rust have started to dwindle. It would be great if a trusted provider made one. Would be awesome as always
  3. Welcome to the Doctor's Office . Curious, what kinda games do you cheat on offline?
  4. deflated

    Earn Free Hacks

    This idea is completely genius. I have never seen any other forum have the same system. Great incentive to be active on the forums.
  5. Welcome to the Doc's office! I took a break as well and am trying to get back into the community. Would love to get to know some of you guys!
  6. deflated

    Apex Review

    Appreciate the feedback. It could of been longer, but it is simple and easy to use and it gets the job done.
  7. They usually do giveaways on the discord for active subscribers
  8. The new site, like everyone else said, is clean and smooth. Prime puts a lot of effort to make this website look nice and we all appreciate it.
  9. I heard BE and EAC is starting to really crackdown ok spoofers, so good luck finding a working, undetected one.
  10. Interested to see what you have done on rust and what providers you use, but I wouldn't want you to advertise them here
  11. deflated

    Apex Review

    I don't currently have a sub with apex, but this is a review of what I recount when I did have it. I had a 1 month sub and it was great. AIMBOT 9/10 The aim can be smoothed out and make it look more legit. I like the ability to change the aimbot FOV. You can also make it really snappy if you are feeling life on the edge >:) ESP 10/10 You cant really mess up ESP. It has ammo esp, weapon esp, armor esp, player esp. It displays health, distance, and name. I like that you can draw snap lines. No buffer or lag. LOADER 8/10 The loader (at the time) was kinda bland because it looked like command prompt. I had some issues with the loader at first, but Prime and Dr. Silva helped me out. It does the job, which is all that matters. Prime is a great owner and offers awesome support and Dr. Silva is a really good developer who helped me out with the loader. Once I got it running, it was a great experience. I got banned in the end because I went a little too far and raged, but I was never banned because the cheat was detected. I highly recommend this cheat!