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Everything posted by tryhardo

  1. First impressions: The Apex Legends hack leaves much to desire, although still in its infancy so I will not review it too harshly. The hack has some solid foundations, but at the writing moment lacks features that hacks of its kind usually has. Lets break the features down. Main Features: ESP: ESP is in decent shape, easily turns into a clusterfu*k on screen though. Tip is to only use the distance or health option ticked for a small red dot in the direction of the enemies. All of the other ESP features are pretty much just going to be a nuisance on your screen. And will force you to make mistakes for spectators to view. Most sophisticated hacks comes with "Chams". With the option to turn it on for only visible enemies, something this team should consider. With this hefty pricetag at least. Aswell as a sound ESP is something to consider. The clusterfu*ck could be easily solved with activation keys. so you can turn it on and off with just a button press. Aimbot: The aimbot is the feature that is the least polished. It lacks setting for it to be more human like. Right now it really is a bot. A bot on speed. It is way too obvious in its current state, something I hope will be polished in the near future. Couple of settings it lacks that most aimbots have nowadays: Hitbox - Choose all or specific hitboxes for it to aim on. Aimtime - Choose how long it should aim on the target. Aim through walls - A setting to choose if it should aim through walls/ground and lock onto your target. Activation - Always on, On attack, On key. Non sticky feature. Slowaim factor. Delay. A more detailed/Polished Smooth aim And a Triggerbot. So, to the verdict. Is it worth the 50€ price? - In it's current state. No. There are tons of other hacks that have come alot further with the development of more features and are alot more human like. With a lower price. It is like paying for a beta ragebot. (Even like paying full price for an early access game title) How about the support and community? -The support is great. And the community as well. The team really gives an impression that there are a lot more to come in the development of this hack. I am looking forward to see what they come up with. I am in no way bashing the hack or the team with this review. When the features I listed above are available, then it should be priced at 50€. Then it is a premium hack, and a premium hack should have that pricetag. Overall i'm having some fun on troll accounts with the hack. Rating 5.5/10