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Animal last won the day on April 13 2019

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  1. ive gotten to know prime and this is by far the best cheat ive ever had
  2. Hey all! Whether you're new here or you've been a long time member, i'd like to share some answers for questions i see asked a lot. Q: The Spoofer/Loader is Not Working! A: Join the Discord, then look in #【】news Q: Is this cheat Streamable/Recording proof/Stream Proof/etc proof? A: Yes, however the glow feature is not stream proof. Q: What is this feature? A: I have described all of the features below Q: why cant i say the word hack, hacks, or cheat in the discord? A: those words along with a few others are blocked to prevent and minimize chances of the discord server being deleted by discord Staff. Thats also why its called dr-chips. use words like mod and cheetos instead Q: stop it A: get some help It is also advised that you read #tips in the discord if you experience crashes or such things.