You are in full understanding of what you are buying on our website. These are (Digital Goods) in order to aid you for your needs in games of your choosing. You fully understand that this product was created by our professional Dr-Hacks Team and no 3rd party sources. All of our products listed on our website are our own, and not anyone else. If there are any re-sellers of our products then these people will be listed under "Staff" page underneath the (Browse) section. Only buy from authorized re-sellers that are listed on our site to avoid scam, fraud, and deception from other re-sellers.

    If you have a dispute with your transaction once it is made, contact customer support. Do not immediately try to cancel / refund your purchase because it is not to your liking after you have bought it. Contact us and we will do everything to work with you in order to provide a solution for your issue. We are not in the business of screwing people over, scamming, or anything that can negatively impact someone. Our digital services are intended to make the users happy, and continue to do business with us. PayPal payments are usually instant, if you don't get redirected to the confirmation page immediately after your transaction is complete, then wait a few minutes and refresh the page. In some instances PayPal can show that transaction went through, however payments can be held for review by PayPal (not by us) if they feel they have a reason to. Here at Dr-Hacks we make sure to take all protocols in order to assure an efficient and working environment. 

    By continuing to confirm making this purchase you ensure you have read the above terms, and you fully comply with them. You agree to make a digital payment in return for the digital product of your choosing. You confirm you have selected the correct product and not clicked "Checkout" before reviewing the product.