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About BigBashful901


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    united states


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    freelance designer, content creator

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  1. Yeah after using the cheat for mw I can see why there hasn't been recent bans from it. Greatly developed from what I can tell so far! I'm one of those people who think shadowbans are a myth lol. I've had friends who said they were "shadow banned" and never used hacks. If they suspect someone is hacking their going to ban em not just mess with their queues lol.
  2. Hello everyone! I'm a long time cheater of games and luckily have never been banned. I have been in search of a cheat that is a little bit more private community wise and think I may have found it. My first purchase on here will be the CoD hacks. A lot of people cry about getting "shadowbanned" or just out right banned without using their brains. Rage hacks = bans... It's simple lol. Hope everyone is having a great week. Looking forward to trying out some of the docs cheats