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Everything posted by Eclipsya

  1. So this is my review for about 50hours of using the cheat, without being banned. I really appreciate the cheat, you can turn on and off the features without having the menu open, which is very useful if you have some spectators on your pov. Furthermore, the cheat is very simple to use if you follow the steps given by Prime. The support/staff is incredible, Prime is very helpful and always tries his best if you are having issues to help ya out. The coding is insane and I was experiencing some crashes at the beginning, all you have to do is turning off the aimbot and esp before leaving a match, and once you are in the next one, turn em back on. SInce then I've had very few crashes. So overall my experience with dr.cheats so far is incredible and if you are still struggling about putting that much money in a cheat, don't!! It's definetly worth it. Have a nice day dr.cheats community and ty for reading
  2. Hello everyone, My nickname is Eclipsya, I am from Luxemburg, 21y, addicted to video games and especially to cheating. I hope I'm gonna enjoy the experience with dr-cheats. I've read a lot of cool stuff about the admin support here and I'm hyped for the release of Apex. Have a nice day